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IB TOK 2022 syllabus: Home

IBO has upgraded and adapted the TOK curriculum.

Perspective! Take a close look at this drawing - The artist, M C Escher, makes us look differently at his sketches, he changes his perspective - how does he do this? Why did he draw these images? Perspective plays a huge role in our lives - in all areas of knowledge - have fun exploring all perspectives!


The New Syllabus Overview

Study one Core theme: “Knowledge and the knower”

Study 2 out of 5 optional themes:

  • Knowledge and language

  • Knowledge and technology

  • Knowledge and politics

  • Knowledge and religion

  • Knowledge and indigenous societies

Study 5 compulsory areas of knowledge:

  • Natural sciences

  • Human sciences

  • Mathematics

  • History

  • The Arts

Basic overview

Knowledge framework

It is compulsory, for every theme and every area of knowledge, to cover questions related to the four elements of the knowledge framework:

  1. Scope

  2. Methods and tools

  3. Perspective

  4. Ethics

Knowledge questions


They are central to the course. 

Students are no longer required to formulate knowledge questions on their own. Questions are given to them - they do not need to formulate their own.


  • TOK essay (externally marked)

  • TOK exhibition (internally marked)